
✔️ CALIS is governed by a Management Board led by Dr. Didier DUPONT, who is responsible for this Research Infrastructure, and composed of a leader for each of the 3 poles CONSUMER FOOD HEALTH on which CALIS is based:


✔️ This Management Board relies on the expertise of an International Scientific Committee, an Institutional Trustees Committee, and a Steering Committee:

schéma Gouvernance


▶️ The International Scientific Council is composed of international scientific experts:


▶️ The Institutional Trustees Committee has a mission of supervision and validation of major strategic orientations. It is composed of a representative from each institution represented in CALIS:

INRAE, INSERM, CNRS, Anses, CRNH network, Clermont University Hospital, Lyon University Hospital, Grenoble University Hospital, St Etienne University Hospital, Nantes University Hospital and APHP, as well as a representative from the Universities of Clermont, Lyon, Nantes, Sorbonne, Paris-Cité, Paris-Saclay, Paris-Nord


▶️ The Steering Committee is made up of the heads of all the components of CALIS (technological platforms, competence centers, and human nutrition research centers), as well as the members of the Management Board: