
NMR and MRI platform for agronomy, agri-food, and nutrition

▶️AgroResonance: A platform for spectrometry and magnetic resonance imaging of biological systems for agriculture, food, and health (See Research and Innovation TRANSFORM 2022 Report)

▶️The AgroResonance platform is one of the four constituent platforms of the PROBE research infrastructure, itself a component of the CALIS Food axis. This platform is located at the INRAE Clermont-Auvergne Rhône-Alpes Center (Theix site). It is backed by the Quality of Animal Products (QuaPA) research unit of the INRAE TRANSFORM scientific department.

▶️AgroResonance is ISO9001 certified and labeled as an INRAE Collective Scientific Infrastructure. It is a founding member of the regional multimodal platform In Vivo Imaging in Auvergne (IVIA), labeled by IBiSA. It thus has access to most of the other in vivo imaging modalities in Clermont, from animals to humans.

▶️ The QuaPA UR develops as main scientific themes the reasoned design of specific meat foods, and the improvement of the sustainability of food systems in a context of transition. Thus, AgroResonance benefits from the scientific skills of its backing unit and itself develops approaches in food science, such as the study of the crust on the surface of grilled meats or the monitoring of meat cooking by MRI, but also in health such as the evolution of an early chondrosarcoma or the characterization of a cardiac cycle during a rat’s respiration.

▶️ The AgroResonance platform brings together skills dedicated to issues in the fields of agri-food, plants, nutrition, and health, developing numerous methods based on spectrometry or nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Team members :