The Heath Pole

The 'Health' Pole is dedicated to the repercussions of food on human physiology and health

✔️ The HEALTH Pole of CALIS is dedicated to the repercussions of food on human physiology and health. It consists of:


▶️ The national network of 4 Human Nutrition Research Centers (CRNH) located in AuvergneIle de FranceOuest, and Rhône-Alpes;

▶️ MetaGenPolis: A pre-industrial demonstrator specialized in metagenomics for the investigation of the microbiota.




➡️ The actors of the Health Pole offer a decisive service offer for the actors of the pharmaceutical industry (Sanofi, DuPont, DSM, Pilèje, Servier, Maat Pharma, Entérome…) or agri-food (Danone group, Roquette, Bridor….) for the exploration of the health effects of their products (on the market or in development), whether they are foods, food supplements, drugs, nutritional formulations or even oral nutritional supplements (CNO).

➡️ This activity is evidenced by the numerous research or service contracts. Beyond this vocation and the support of academic researchers and public policies (presence in expertise agencies such as Anses), the Health pole is invested in the dissemination of knowledge to health professionals.

➡️ Very diversified, the actions include involvement in continuing education, particularly for doctors and pharmacists or health or catering professionals (educational kitchen in development for the training of hotel schools or restaurateurs, collaboration with the Lyfe Institute), the organization of seminars, including internationally (the Summer Universities of Nutrition, the JANGO Days, the ICTRHN, …), animations and conferences for the general public by the CRNHs and the numerous scientific conferences given by the staff of MegaGenoPolis in various settings.

➡️ The coordination by the CRNH Auvergne of the pilot study of the CEPPPIA project (Experimental Center for Predictive Participatory and Individualized Prevention in Auvergne), a 4P medicine initiative (Predictive, Personalized, Preventive, Participatory) to prevent premature mortality and gain years of well-being and autonomy is another illustration of the decisive role of the pole in public health and professional support.


✔️ The services offered by the Health Pole of the CALIS infrastructure:


➡️ Characterization of the human intestinal microbiota and the impact of food on its structure, functional analyses of the microbiota and its interactions with the host, food-digestive microbiota relationships, microbiota - health.

➡️ Characterization of the fate of food in the body: postprandial kinetics and metabolism, fate of ingested foods, use of foods marked with stable isotopes.

➡️ Metabolic and functional explorations in humans (whole body, targeting of organs or tissues as part of translational strategies):

  • controlled diets,
  • physical activity and energy expenditure,
  • body composition, digestive, metabolic explorations,
  • postprandial metabolism, cardio-metabolic, muscular/mobility, phenotyping,
  • identification and quantification of biomarkers (collection of biological samples necessary for all these investigations / blood, saliva, placenta, breast milk, urine, feces, expired gases, biopsies of adipose tissue, muscle or liver…).

➡️ Studies of specific populations, food and risk factors in real life and biologger:

  • case/control studies, intervention clinical trials, follow-up and management of numerous cohorts (adults, children, patients);
  • genotyping and phenotyping, exploration of the metagenome (metabolic predictions);
  • concepts of personalized nutrition by the accumulation and networking of data from nutritional interventions and cohorts;
  • fine analysis of the consumption behaviors of segments of populations “targeted” by specific public policies (precarious and weakened populations, urban/rural/suburban, etc.), and/or according to age or stages of life (retirement, marriage, etc.).