4 - The structure of CALIS in the national context

✔️ The CALIS infrastructure therefore offers public and private scientific communities a range of services and technological and methodological developments based on experimental devices and data hubs and observatories in the field of human food.


✔️ CALIS is organized into 3 poles for better readability and more efficient governance:

➡️ Choice and eating behaviors: “Consumer” Pole

➡️ Design and characterization of Foods: “Food” Pole

➡️ Impact of Food on Human Physiology and Health: “Health” Pole

Obviously, the added value exists at the interfaces between these 3 poles with platforms that can fall under 2 poles, thus ensuring a continuum throughout the value chain.


✔️ CALIS offers integrated services by combining the skills and technologies present in the 3 poles. In this, CALIS will ensure, not only coordination, but also the orientation and enrichment of certain studies and projects. The provision of data collected by the poles in a data sharing system connected to existing e-infrastructures will allow the IR CALIS thus constituted to fully participate in the European infrastructure currently being developed.

✔️ These three poles present characteristics of research infrastructures or e-infrastructures by their components, namely services provided to public and private scientific communities, technological developments and training and data dissemination actions. The French research organizations and institutions involved are: INRAE, (INSERM), CNRS, Universities, CHUs, AgroParisTec…


✔️ The creation of the national infrastructure aims to offer integrated services that can combine the different approaches, analytical and functional, clinical and nutritional and consumption. At the national level, human behavior platforms (experimental economics, experimental restaurants, etc.) will join CALIS in their own right, these platforms already offering services open to different communities, but under modalities not yet formalized.


✔️ The poles will be supplemented by a few emerging or restructuring platforms (for example, PF SayFood, from Saclay, Experimental Kitchen Saclay, collective catering Aliss). However, it is not a question for CAliS to group together all the French platforms and assets in the field but rather to propose a coordinated approach, integrated and open services in connection with European infrastructures.