The CALIS Research Infrastructure :

An infrastructure focused on the priority axes Consumer/Food/Health

CALIS 3 piliers agrandie

The 3 pillars of CALIS


✔️ A national infrastructure for scientific, public and private communities, involving 3 fundamental pillars: Consumer / Food / Health


✔️ A Research Infrastructure (R.I.) composed of recognized (labelled) collective devices around the production, processing and management of data on consumer behavior, the quality and characterization of food, as well as the study of nutritional properties and their impacts on human health


✔️ An objective to federate technological resources in nutrition and dietetics, in food science and nutrition, for a better health benefit of the consumer


✔️ An affirmed interdisciplinarity and openness for innovative, integrated and multi-scale approaches


✔️ Components distributed on the territory for a coherent offer of services and methodological developments by the harmonized contribution of scientific and technological skills


✔️ A European and international scope ensured by INRAE and its Institutional Partners (CNRS, INSERM, Anses, Hospitals, Universities, Engineering Schools, …)


illustration 1


▶️ In order to equip scientific, academic and private communities with renewed and efficient technological capacities, a national research infrastructure CALIS, focused on the 3 pillars Consumer / Food / Health was created under the supervision of INRAE in 2020. These three thematic poles are built on recognized (labelled) collective devices for the production, processing and management of data related to consumer behaviour, on the construction of food quality and its characterization, and finally the characterization of their nutritional properties and their impacts on health in humans.

▶️ Moreover, since the work and agreements of COP21, food is at the heart of public policy concerns with major economic and public health issues, but also major environmental issues, reinforced in a pandemic context. It has therefore become crucial to federate the technological capacities of the scientific community in the fields of nutrition and dietetics, food science and nutrition, in connection with health, hitherto too fragmented disciplinarily and thematically, with the aim of making it more visible on the international scene and more efficient in terms of research and societal impacts.

▶️ This infrastructure, characterized by a reaffirmed openness, a strong interdisciplinarity (nutrition, clinical, food science, economics, …), allows the development of integrated approaches (bioeconomic performance, limitation of the environmental impact of food systems and practices, reduction of exposure to contaminants, …) and multi-scale (from food to food systems). The added value of CALIS is to articulate, through a national distributed organization, service offers and methodological and technological development, from different entities, analytical platforms or research and process, Human Nutrition Research Centers and investigations in food behavior, capacities in experimental economics and data pole of different partners: INRAE, Inserm, CNRS, Anses, Hospitals, Universities, Engineering Schools, … This project offers functional interfaces with other research infrastructures (FCRIN, RARe, MetaboHub, Cohorts, FG, IFB, …).

▶️ Beyond INRAE which, having kept a leading role in terms of international publications in these fields and therefore is expected at the European level, it is about the readability of France. The ambition is to develop a presence in Europe by giving French academic, expertise and private communities a competitive advantage and to strengthen the leadership of France, which faces particularly strong international competition.



1 - The challenges

2 - The research and technology needs that the CALIS infrastructure will be able to meet

3 - The European context

4 - The structure of CALIS in the national context